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Lovejoy Q2, M42, Jupiter

This gallery is a set of shots taken on January 10th of Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy, The Orion Nebula (M42), and Jupiter using an LX-80 mount with Meade AR-6 Refractor and Nikon D80 camera.

Comet C2014 Q2 Lovejoy

This gallery contains pictures captured with a Nikon D80 of Comet C2014 Q2 Lovejoy. All imaged were JPEG formatted to start. In some cases, I've edited the images further in attempt to bring the comet out a bit more. The images range in size due to the processing so some may take a little bit to load.

Lunar Eclipse October 2014 Blood Moon

Here are a set of pictures of the Blood Moon taken approaching and into totality the morning of October 8th, 2014 from the Charlotte, NC area

Moon Mercury Sunrise

A gallery of pictures taken while attempting to view Comet ISON. They consist of the Moon, Mercury, sunrise and scenic horizon pictures as well as some railroad pictures.

Deneb Vega Venus Comet C2013 R1 Lovejoy

All pictures taken November 29th 2013 and consist of pictures of the sunset, Venus, Deneb (partial Cygnus), Vega (complete Lyra), and Comet C2013 R1 Lovejoy visible just off the handle of Ursa Major (the Big Dipper) via photography.

Venus M57 M31 M32 M13 Astrophotography

All pictures taken the evening of October 21st 2013 between 7:00 and 9:00 CDT from Lenexa, KS with a Nikon D80 DSLR connected by T-Ring to a Meade 6" f/8 1200mm focal length achromatic refractor.

Meade LXD55 6AR F8 Telescope

Today marks the arrival of the second scope I've ever owned. The first, a Celestron 70mm refractor. Now, a Meade 150mm refractor. The main point of this scope is to prepare both for photographs of Comet ISON as well to have a nice scope for a variety of views.

Moon-Stars Wisconsin

This is a gallery of simple shots without tripod while up in Northern Wisconsin on a clear night.

Comet C2011 L4 PanSTARRS

This is a gallery of simple astrophotography shots I was able to take of the March 2013 comet, C/2011 L4 PanSTARRS. Also, please note that it might take some time for these images to load because I did not re-size them prior to upload, some of them are quite large.

Jupiter-Venus Conjunction

This is some pictures taken on March 12th 2012 near Desoto, KS of the Jupiter and Venus conjunction and a few other astronomical objects.

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